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Twenty pages, plus pictures and links

Shaker Square Citizens

Starting in 2005 this website has expressed thanks to ten persons who have rendered important service to Shaker Square, on web pages titled Shaker Square Citizens. A June 2024 update found that nearly all are still civically active, a few are deceased and one of our Citizens is incarcerated.

Community Organizations

Shaker Square Area Development Corporation (SHAD)
SHAD, our unfunded community development corporation with IRS 501c3 status, was founded in 1976 as Friends of Shaker Square (FOSS). It is, as FOSS was, a citizen-led organization focused on improving Shaker Square and the adjacent neighborhoods. SHAD publishes The Connection, the neighborhood's newspaper. Members receive discounts at local businesses.  website link

Burten, Bell, Carr Development (BBC)
About ten years years ago it was decided to transfer SHAD's funding to the Buckeye Community Development Corporation, which became the Buckeye-Shaker Square CDC. After this CDC closed because of financial irregularities, our neighborhood was reassigned again in 2020. 

We are now served by Burten, Bell, Carr Development, a CDC founded in 1990 to serve Cleveland's Central and Kinsman areas. In April 2024 BBC opened an office on the Square's southeast quadrant. website link

Social Media  

Facebook page

Business Directories  
Shopping, services and dining


atellite view of the area near the Square.

Aerial views of the Square

Photo Gallery
Pictures taken of the Square by neighbors.

Neighborhood Comments
Public spaces and community "placemaking"
Case, UH, Clinic offer help in housing near the Square
Parking — A Tale of Three Cities

Ludlow Community Association
Our pages to serve this 50 year old community association. They now have their own website.

Community Rose Garden
Hundreds of rose bushes and located just a mile from the Square, near Onaway School

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